usage: ansible-inventory [-h] [--version] [-v] [-i INVENTORY]
[--vault-id VAULT_IDS]
[--ask-vault-password | --vault-password-file VAULT_PASSWORD_FILES]
[--playbook-dir BASEDIR] [-e EXTRA_VARS] [--list]
[--host HOST] [--graph] [-y] [--toml] [--vars]
[--export] [--output OUTPUT_FILE]
used to display or dump the configured inventory as Ansible sees it
Common Options¶
ask for vault password
When doing an –list, represent in a way that is optimized for export,not as an accurate representation of how Ansible has processed it
create inventory graph, if supplying pattern it must be a valid group name
¶ Output specific host info, works as inventory script
Output all hosts info, works as inventory script
¶ When doing –list, send the inventory to a file instead of to the screen
¶ Since this tool does not use playbooks, use this as a substitute playbook directory.This sets the relative path for many features including roles/ group_vars/ etc.
Use TOML format instead of default JSON, ignored for –graph
Add vars to graph display, ignored unless used with –graph
the vault identity to use
vault password file
show program’s version number, config file location, configured module search path, module location, executable location and exit
set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON, if filename prepend with @
show this help message and exit
specify inventory host path or comma separated host list. –inventory-file is deprecated
verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)
Use YAML format instead of default JSON, ignored for –graph
The following environment variables may be specified.
– Override the default ansible config file
Many more are available for most options in ansible.cfg
– Config file, used if present
– User config file, overrides the default config if present