Changes from version 0.3 => 0.4 (1.0 proposed): * Fixes to the mocked data found when validating with a schema: * Two entries still had a message field * One entry had variables as a list instead of as a dict. Changes from version 0.2 => 0.3: * Replace message with title and description. * These two fields will not be templated * title should be required. description should be strongly advised or required. * title: short summary of what is checked * description: longer description of what is checked * diagnosis: which part of the check failed. Why it failed. * remediation: How to fix the failure Changes from version 0.1 => 0.2: * id can no longer be nullable. It will now be SUCCESS if level is SUCCESS (this was the only time it could be null before) * message split up into three template strings (each of these may be the empty string): * message for a one line summary * diagnosis for a long explanation of what was found * remediation for instructions on how to manually fix any issues. * variables: this holds variables to template the message components.