#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: digital_ocean short_description: Create/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean description: - Create/delete a droplet in DigitalOcean and optionally wait for it to be 'running', or deploy an SSH key. version_added: "1.3" author: "Vincent Viallet (@zbal)" options: command: description: - Which target you want to operate on. default: droplet choices: ['droplet', 'ssh'] state: description: - Indicate desired state of the target. default: present choices: ['present', 'active', 'absent', 'deleted'] api_token: description: - DigitalOcean api token. version_added: "1.9.5" id: description: - Numeric, the droplet id you want to operate on. name: description: - String, this is the name of the droplet - must be formatted by hostname rules, or the name of a SSH key. unique_name: description: - Bool, require unique hostnames. By default, DigitalOcean allows multiple hosts with the same name. Setting this to "yes" allows only one host per name. Useful for idempotence. version_added: "1.4" default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] size_id: description: - This is the slug of the size you would like the droplet created with. image_id: description: - This is the slug of the image you would like the droplet created with. region_id: description: - This is the slug of the region you would like your server to be created in. ssh_key_ids: description: - Optional, array of of SSH key (numeric) ID that you would like to be added to the server. virtio: description: - "Bool, turn on virtio driver in droplet for improved network and storage I/O." version_added: "1.4" default: "yes" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] private_networking: description: - "Bool, add an additional, private network interface to droplet for inter-droplet communication." version_added: "1.4" default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] backups_enabled: description: - Optional, Boolean, enables backups for your droplet. version_added: "1.6" default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] user_data: description: - opaque blob of data which is made available to the droplet version_added: "2.0" required: false default: None ipv6: description: - Optional, Boolean, enable IPv6 for your droplet. version_added: "2.2" required: false default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] wait: description: - Wait for the droplet to be in state 'running' before returning. If wait is "no" an ip_address may not be returned. default: "yes" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] wait_timeout: description: - How long before wait gives up, in seconds. default: 300 ssh_pub_key: description: - The public SSH key you want to add to your account. notes: - Two environment variables can be used, DO_API_KEY and DO_API_TOKEN. They both refer to the v2 token. - As of Ansible 1.9.5 and 2.0, Version 2 of the DigitalOcean API is used, this removes C(client_id) and C(api_key) options in favor of C(api_token). - If you are running Ansible 1.9.4 or earlier you might not be able to use the included version of this module as the API version used has been retired. Upgrade Ansible or, if unable to, try downloading the latest version of this module from github and putting it into a 'library' directory. requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - dopy ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Ensure a SSH key is present # If a key matches this name, will return the ssh key id and changed = False # If no existing key matches this name, a new key is created, the ssh key id is returned and changed = False - digital_ocean: state: present command: ssh name: my_ssh_key ssh_pub_key: 'ssh-rsa AAAA...' api_token: XXX # Create a new Droplet # Will return the droplet details including the droplet id (used for idempotence) - digital_ocean: state: present command: droplet name: mydroplet api_token: XXX size_id: 2gb region_id: ams2 image_id: fedora-19-x64 wait_timeout: 500 register: my_droplet - debug: msg="ID is {{ my_droplet.droplet.id }}" - debug: msg="IP is {{ my_droplet.droplet.ip_address }}" # Ensure a droplet is present # If droplet id already exist, will return the droplet details and changed = False # If no droplet matches the id, a new droplet will be created and the droplet details (including the new id) are returned, changed = True. - digital_ocean: state: present command: droplet id: 123 name: mydroplet api_token: XXX size_id: 2gb region_id: ams2 image_id: fedora-19-x64 wait_timeout: 500 # Create a droplet with ssh key # The ssh key id can be passed as argument at the creation of a droplet (see ssh_key_ids). # Several keys can be added to ssh_key_ids as id1,id2,id3 # The keys are used to connect as root to the droplet. - digital_ocean: state: present ssh_key_ids: 123,456 name: mydroplet api_token: XXX size_id: 2gb region_id: ams2 image_id: fedora-19-x64 ''' import os import time import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion HAS_DOPY = True try: import dopy from dopy.manager import DoError, DoManager if LooseVersion(dopy.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.3.2'): HAS_DOPY = False except ImportError: HAS_DOPY = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule class TimeoutError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, id_): super(TimeoutError, self).__init__(msg) self.id = id_ class JsonfyMixIn(object): def to_json(self): return self.__dict__ class Droplet(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, droplet_json): self.status = 'new' self.__dict__.update(droplet_json) def is_powered_on(self): return self.status == 'active' def update_attr(self, attrs=None): if attrs: for k, v in attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) else: json = self.manager.show_droplet(self.id) if json['ip_address']: self.update_attr(json) def power_on(self): assert self.status == 'off', 'Can only power on a closed one.' json = self.manager.power_on_droplet(self.id) self.update_attr(json) def ensure_powered_on(self, wait=True, wait_timeout=300): if self.is_powered_on(): return if self.status == 'off': # powered off self.power_on() if wait: end_time = time.time() + wait_timeout while time.time() < end_time: time.sleep(min(20, end_time - time.time())) self.update_attr() if self.is_powered_on(): if not self.ip_address: raise TimeoutError('No ip is found.', self.id) return raise TimeoutError('Wait for droplet running timeout', self.id) def destroy(self): return self.manager.destroy_droplet(self.id, scrub_data=True) @classmethod def setup(cls, api_token): cls.manager = DoManager(None, api_token, api_version=2) @classmethod def add(cls, name, size_id, image_id, region_id, ssh_key_ids=None, virtio=True, private_networking=False, backups_enabled=False, user_data=None, ipv6=False): private_networking_lower = str(private_networking).lower() backups_enabled_lower = str(backups_enabled).lower() ipv6_lower = str(ipv6).lower() json = cls.manager.new_droplet(name, size_id, image_id, region_id, ssh_key_ids=ssh_key_ids, virtio=virtio, private_networking=private_networking_lower, backups_enabled=backups_enabled_lower, user_data=user_data, ipv6=ipv6_lower) droplet = cls(json) return droplet @classmethod def find(cls, id=None, name=None): if not id and not name: return False droplets = cls.list_all() # Check first by id. digital ocean requires that it be unique for droplet in droplets: if droplet.id == id: return droplet # Failing that, check by hostname. for droplet in droplets: if droplet.name == name: return droplet return False @classmethod def list_all(cls): json = cls.manager.all_active_droplets() return map(cls, json) class SSH(JsonfyMixIn): manager = None def __init__(self, ssh_key_json): self.__dict__.update(ssh_key_json) update_attr = __init__ def destroy(self): self.manager.destroy_ssh_key(self.id) return True @classmethod def setup(cls, api_token): cls.manager = DoManager(None, api_token, api_version=2) @classmethod def find(cls, name): if not name: return False keys = cls.list_all() for key in keys: if key.name == name: return key return False @classmethod def list_all(cls): json = cls.manager.all_ssh_keys() return map(cls, json) @classmethod def add(cls, name, key_pub): json = cls.manager.new_ssh_key(name, key_pub) return cls(json) def core(module): def getkeyordie(k): v = module.params[k] if v is None: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to load %s' % k) return v try: api_token = module.params['api_token'] or os.environ['DO_API_TOKEN'] or os.environ['DO_API_KEY'] except KeyError as e: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to load %s' % e.message) changed = True command = module.params['command'] state = module.params['state'] if command == 'droplet': Droplet.setup(api_token) if state in ('active', 'present'): # First, try to find a droplet by id. droplet = Droplet.find(id=module.params['id']) # If we couldn't find the droplet and the user is allowing unique # hostnames, then check to see if a droplet with the specified # hostname already exists. if not droplet and module.params['unique_name']: droplet = Droplet.find(name=getkeyordie('name')) # If both of those attempts failed, then create a new droplet. if not droplet: droplet = Droplet.add( name=getkeyordie('name'), size_id=getkeyordie('size_id'), image_id=getkeyordie('image_id'), region_id=getkeyordie('region_id'), ssh_key_ids=module.params['ssh_key_ids'], virtio=module.params['virtio'], private_networking=module.params['private_networking'], backups_enabled=module.params['backups_enabled'], user_data=module.params.get('user_data'), ipv6=module.params['ipv6'], ) if droplet.is_powered_on(): changed = False droplet.ensure_powered_on( wait=getkeyordie('wait'), wait_timeout=getkeyordie('wait_timeout') ) module.exit_json(changed=changed, droplet=droplet.to_json()) elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'): # First, try to find a droplet by id. droplet = Droplet.find(module.params['id']) # If we couldn't find the droplet and the user is allowing unique # hostnames, then check to see if a droplet with the specified # hostname already exists. if not droplet and module.params['unique_name']: droplet = Droplet.find(name=getkeyordie('name')) if not droplet: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='The droplet is not found.') droplet.destroy() module.exit_json(changed=True) elif command == 'ssh': SSH.setup(api_token) name = getkeyordie('name') if state in ('active', 'present'): key = SSH.find(name) if key: module.exit_json(changed=False, ssh_key=key.to_json()) key = SSH.add(name, getkeyordie('ssh_pub_key')) module.exit_json(changed=True, ssh_key=key.to_json()) elif state in ('absent', 'deleted'): key = SSH.find(name) if not key: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='SSH key with the name of %s is not found.' % name) key.destroy() module.exit_json(changed=True) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( command = dict(choices=['droplet', 'ssh'], default='droplet'), state = dict(choices=['active', 'present', 'absent', 'deleted'], default='present'), api_token = dict(aliases=['API_TOKEN'], no_log=True), name = dict(type='str'), size_id = dict(), image_id = dict(), region_id = dict(), ssh_key_ids = dict(type='list'), virtio = dict(type='bool', default='yes'), private_networking = dict(type='bool', default='no'), backups_enabled = dict(type='bool', default='no'), id = dict(aliases=['droplet_id'], type='int'), unique_name = dict(type='bool', default='no'), user_data = dict(default=None), ipv6 = dict(type='bool', default='no'), wait = dict(type='bool', default=True), wait_timeout = dict(default=300, type='int'), ssh_pub_key = dict(type='str'), ), required_together = ( ['size_id', 'image_id', 'region_id'], ), mutually_exclusive = ( ['size_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ['image_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ['region_id', 'ssh_pub_key'], ), required_one_of = ( ['id', 'name'], ), ) if not HAS_DOPY: module.fail_json(msg='dopy >= 0.3.2 required for this module') try: core(module) except TimeoutError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e), id=e.id) except (DoError, Exception) as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()