We're using python-sphinx notation for docstrings. Example: def test(one, two='test string'): '''One line summary :arg one: Duplicate two this number of times :kwarg two: String that gets duplicated. Default: 'test string' :returns: `two` duplicated `one` times ''' return two * one applications.py: * from pkgdb import _ * shorten language to lang * When using allow_jsonand redirect may not work together (didn't in TG-1.0.4) Check python-fedora doc for how to deal with this: https://fedorahosted.org/releases/p/y/python-fedora/doc/service.html#performing-different-actions-when-returning-json * Better to only return Invalid App name on SQLAlchemy. * When we do want to return an invalid app name, need to return error when the request_format() == 'json' as well. Only the tg_template gets changed when request_fromat() != 'json' * We want to migrate to the new way of returning errors via json for new code: https://fedorahosted.org/releases/p/y/python-fedora/doc/service.html#error-handling (Old code needs to be ported) comments.py: add(): * request_format() is a function controllers.py, feeds.py: Toshio Check: [_] Looks good. PackageBuild schema changed to use ApplicationTable? letter_paginator: Why the change from PackageBuild('Tags') to Applications('tags')? listqueries.py: sqlitebuildtags: * Going through the ORM layer is slower than going through the sql layer. So we want to use select instead of PackageBuild.query() when working with a large number of records (pretty much everything in listqueries.py). * Search and replace typo: s/pacakage/package/ * What does the ApplicationTable do? Tags should still be per Packagebuild. Is this the case? model/comments.py: Looks good model/packages.py: * Ah -- PakageBuildNames => ApplicationsTable * AppTypesTable == enumeration of 'desktop', 'cli', 'etc' [_]Toshio Check: What _create_apptag() does [_] Toshio Look closer at this file model/prcof.py: * Looks okay,odel/tags.py: model/tags.py: * Looks okay model/yumdb.py: * Why didn't these tables get renamed to Application? packages.py: *.html: * Move javascript to a separate scripts file. * Move CSS to the pkgdb.css file. server-scripts/pkgdb-sync-yum.py: * Remember to remove the testing yum repo definitions. [_] Toshio Check the BuildNames to Application later. update-schema/pkgdb-0.4.0-0.5.0-2.applications.sql apptypes == enumeration table 'desktop', 'commandline', 'unknown' * Instead of grant all, grant only specific permissions. * If the ideaof applicatoin* tables is to replace packagebuild* tables, maybe we should be select into ing the data instead of dropping the tables? Not a big deal since we haven't cut a release with the new tables.